
US Call Sign Regions
A map showing the US call sign regions.

Ohm's Law
Diagram explaining Ohm's Law.

Cheat Sheet
Ham bands, Q codes, Phonetic alphabet and morse code.
UHF Tape Measure Yagi
Plans to build a simple UHF yagi antenna from an ordinary tape measure. Useful for fox/bunny hunts.
International Third Party Agreements
Rules and regulations for contacting amateur radio operators in foreign countries.
ISS Packet Operation
How to communicate with the International Space Station using packet radio.
QSO Format
Suggestions for making QSOs (radio contacts).
Work FM Satellites with your HT
How to contact satellites with only your handheld radio.
Understanding SWR by Example
What is and why should you care about SWR?
Band Chart
Which frequencies and modes each amateur radio license class can utilize.